Program Phases

Our Programs

JOE has been designed to be delivered in 4 phases to incorporate both soft skills and technical skills. In JOE, we believe that entrepreneurship is not just about financial literacy. If it was that simple, then why do 99% of business ventures fail? There’s so much more to that! Which is why JOE includes soft skills such as creativity, problem solving and innovative thinking.



Juniors (8-12)

Teen (13-18)

Our Phases

Group 1

Phase I – Soft Skills: Mindset Development

Juniors: 3 Hours/ Week
Teens: 3 Hours/ Week

In order to build a strong foundation for the programme, Phase I is primarily designed to be soft-skill oriented. It aims to effectively condition the students’ mindset to foster the right attitude in order to successfully embark on their entrepreneurship journey. Soft skills such as creativity, innovation, envisioning, passion, risk-taking, and so on will be covered in this phase.

Group 4

Phase II – Soft Skills: Communication & Behavioural Skills

Juniors: 3 Hours/ Week
Teens: 3 Hours/ Week

Students need to understand the entrepreneurship ecosystem and the intrinsically-linked systems businesses operate in. Successful entrepreneurs have strong interpersonal and social skills which allow them to work well and effectively communicate with their stakeholders. Therefore, it is imperative that students develop these skills to augment their entrepreneurial abilities.



Group 2

Phase III – Technical Skills: Financial Literacy & Business Skills

Juniors: 3 Hours/ Week
Teens: 3 Hours/ Week

More often than not, businesses are required to engage in a complex array of financial decisions that are critical for their success. A sound understanding of basic financial concepts and good judgment is crucial in improving financial outcomes. This part of the programme will introduce financial concepts that are appropriate for even the youngest learners. Students will be exposed to topics such as basic economics.

Group 3

Phase IV – Final Project & Mini-Market Fair

Juniors: 3 Hours/ Week
Teens: 3 Hours/ Week

Towards the end of the programme, students will embark on a final project which entails brainstorming of ideas and shortlisting a business opportunity. The programme will be concluded with a Mini-Market Fair. This is where students get to implement the skills they have picked up over the course of the programme. Students showcase their business at the fair and generate as much sales as possible.

Course Contents

Phase I Soft Skills

Mindset Development

Juniors: 3 Hours/ Week
Teens: 3 Hours/ Week

  • Identify characteristics of an entrepreneur
  • Understand general concepts of entrepreneurship
Creativity & Innovation
  • Develop a sense of originality
  • Develop new methods instead of using standard procedures
  • Demonstrate ownership and pride in work
  • Attain high internal locus of control by believing achievement is dependent on one’s actions
  • Build self-confidence by presenting to peers
  • Define SMART goals
  • Attain goals creatively and autonomously
  • Demonstrate an attitude of willingness to make a difference
  • Understand challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship
  • Pursue a goal with motivation, energy and commitment
  • Understand the importance of encouragement
  • Accepting risk in undertaking an activity
  • Identifying risks
  • Accepting and bouncing back from failure through corrective action
Recognizing Opportunities
  • Understanding the role of ethics in entrepreneurship
  • Realizing the importance of behaving ethically in a business
  • Describing possible consequences a business has to face with ethics being a guiding force

Phase II Soft Skills

Communication & Behavioral Skills

Juniors: 3 Hours/ Week
Teens: 3 Hours/ Week

  • Identify characteristics of an entrepreneur
  • Identify characteristics of the four basic personality types
  • Discover natural entrepreneurial qualities
  • Discover inclinations towards specific disciplines
  • Understand strength of characteristics possesse
  • Understand areas for improvement
Leadership &Teamwork
  • Understand leadership qualities in self-management
  • Assume role in project team responsibly
  • Utilise strengths of team members
Entrepreneur Visit
  • Get insights from the experience of 2 entrepreneurs
Time Management
  • Setting priorities
  • Creating productive environment
  • Reducing distractions
  • Achieving work-life balance
Communication Skills
  • Think and express themselves clearly and confidently
  • Understand the importance of good
  • Communication skills
  • Communication skills
  • Communication skills affect their overall communications in the classroom and at work
  • Use effective listening techniques
  • Use proper oral communication skills
Presentation Skills
  • Understand the purpose of an elevator
  • Pitch
  • Express passion and conviction
  • Show effective body language during
  • Presentations
  • Present concise and impactful content
  • During presentations
Negotiation Skills
  • Negotiate and make profits when buying or selling a product or service
  • Understand the importance of negotiation in business
  • Harness power of communication into effective sales pitch
  • Be clear and firm in stating needs
  • Conduct prior research

Phase III – Technical Skills

Financial Literacy & Business Skills

Juniors: 3 Hours/ Week
Teens: 3 Hours/ Week

Basic Economics
  • Understand simple economic concepts
  • Understand differences between need and wants; goods and services; supply and demand; profit and loss; producer and consumer
  • Understand the relevance of economics in day-to-day living
Basic Business Concepts
  • Understand basic business terminologies like expense, budgeting, cost, marketing, income, profit, competition, revenue, target market, break-even, debt, savings, etc.
  • Make calculations on costing and pricing
  • Understand the concept of competition
  • Identify substitutes
  • Identify unique selling proposition (USP)
  • Understand the concept of marketing
  • Apply the 4Ps of marketing mix: Product, Price, Promotion, Place
  • Create marketing collateral’s
  • Understand the importance of having
  • good customer service
  • Identify essential customer service skills
  • Understand the concept of advertising
  • Identify the different types of advertisements
  • Understand techniques used in advertising
Financial Planning
  • Engage in meaningful financial practices
  • Set attainable financial goals
  • Create a financial plan
  • Review and revise financial plan
Business Planning
  • Understand what a business plan is and its key components
  • Write a description of the company
  • Produce suitable vision and mission statements
  • Identify SMART goals suitable to each student
  • Write a business plan
  • Give own interpretation of various logos and slogans
  • Create a company logo
  • Create a company slogan
Field Trip
  • Learn the procedures of starting a business
  • Know the different business authorities
  • Understand the business climate in the country

Phase IV

Final Project & Mini-Market Fair

Juniors: 3 Hours/ Week
Teens: 3 Hours/ Week

Project Presentation
  • Prepare for business presentation
  • Conduct business presentations
  • Show confidence when making business presentations
  • Use appropriate techniques, e.g. layout,animation, etc., to grab the audience’s attention
  • Realize importance of proper delivery of information
Mini-Market Fair
  • Implement skills and knowledge in entrepreneurship and enterprise creation
  • Sell product/service to the general public
  • Understand the pressures of garnering sales

Course Contents

Phase I Soft Skills

Mindset Development (3 months)
Topic Objective
  • Identify characteristics of an entrepreneur
  • Understand general concepts of entrepreneurship
 Creativity & Innovation
  • Develop a sense of originality
  • Develop new methods instead of using standard procedures
  • Demonstrate ownership and pride in work
  • Attain high internal locus of control by believing achievement is dependent on one’s actions
  • Build self-confidence by presenting to peers
  • Define SMART goals
  • Attain goals creatively and autonomously
  • Demonstrate an attitude of willingness to make a difference
  • Understand challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship
  • Pursue a goal with motivation, energy and commitment
  • Understand the importance of encouragement
  • Accepting risk in undertaking an activity
  • Identifying risks
  • Accepting and bouncing back from failure through corrective action
 Recognizing Opportunities
  • Understanding the role of ethics in entrepreneurship
  • Realizing the importance of behaving ethically in a business
  • Describing possible consequences a business has to face with ethics being a guiding force

Phase II Soft Skills

Communication & Behavioral Skills ( 3 months)
Topic Objective
  • Identify characteristics of an entrepreneur
  • Identify characteristics of the four basic personality types
    Discover natural entrepreneurial qualities
    Discover inclinations towards specific disciplines
  • Understand strength of characteristics possesse
  • Understand areas for improvement
Leadership &Teamwork


  • Understand leadership qualities in self-
  • management
  • Assume role in project team responsibly
  • Utilise strengths of team members



  • Get insights from the experience of 2 entrepreneurs




  • Setting priorities
  • Creating productive environment
  • Reducing distractions
  • Achieving work-life balance



  • Think and express themselves clearly and confidently
  • Understand the importance of good
  • Communication skills
  • Understand how non-verbal
  • communication skills affect their overall communications in the classroom and at work
  • Use effective listening techniques
  • Use proper oral communication skills




  • Understand the role of networking and its importance
  • Understand the importance of asking questions
  • Build useful connections



  • Understand the purpose of an elevator
  • pitch
  • Express passion and conviction
  • Show effective body language during
  • presentations
  • Present concise and impactful content
  • during presentations



  • Negotiate and make profits when buying or selling a product or service
  • Understand the importance of negotiation in business
  • Harness power of communication into effective sales pitch
  • Be clear and firm in stating needs
  • Conduct prior research

Phase III – Technical Skills

Financial Literacy & Business Skills (3 months)


Topic Objective



  • Understand simple economic concepts
  • Understand differences between need and wants; goods and services; supply and demand; profit and loss; producer and consumer
  • Understand the relevance of economics in day-to-day living

Basic Business


  • Understand basic business terminologies like expense, budgeting, cost, marketing, income, profit, competition, revenue, target market, break-even, debt, savings, etc.
  • Make calculations on costing and pricing
  • Understand the concept of competition
  • Identify substitutes
  • Identify unique selling proposition (USP)



  • Understand the concept of marketing
  • Apply the 4Ps of marketing mix: Product, Price, Promotion, Place
  • Create marketing collateral’s
  • Understand the importance of having
  • good customer service
  •  Identify essential customer service skills
  • Understand the concept of advertising
  • Identify the different types of advertisements
  • Understand techniques used in advertising



  • Engage in meaningful financial practices
  • Set attainable financial goals
  • Create a financial plan
  • Review and revise financial plan



  • Understand what a business plan is and its key components 
  • Write a description of the company
  • Produce suitable vision and mission statements
  • Identify SMART goals suitable to each student
  • Write a business plan
  • Give own interpretation of various logos and slogans
  • Create a company logo
  • Create a company slogan


Field Trip

  • Learn the procedures of starting a business
  • Know the different business authorities
  • Understand the business climate in the country

Phase IV

Final Project & Mini-Market Fair (1 month)

Topic Objective
Project Presentation
  • Prepare for business presentation
  • Conduct business presentations
  • Show confidence when making business presentations
  • Use appropriate techniques, e.g. layout,
  • animation, etc., to grab the audience’s attention
  • Realize importance of proper delivery of information
Mini-Market Fair


  • Implement skills and knowledge in entrepreneurship and enterprise creation
  • Sell product/service to the general public
  • Understand the pressures of garnering sales

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